A U.S./U.N. Plot Against Anti-Communist <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Honduras<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

By Cliff Kincaid
The people of Honduras are pleading for media fairness and understanding of how they saved their democratic system of government from an international conspiracy based in Venezuela and Cuba. In desperate messages to the outside world, Hondurans want America to know they do not want former President Manuel ¡°Mel¡± Zelaya returned to power through the intervention of the United States and the United Nations.  
On Tuesday the leftist governments of Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez sponsored a United Nations resolution that condemned the people of Honduras for resisting the spread of communism by evicting a would-be dictator. Many people in Honduras view ¡°Mel¡± as a puppet of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who is destroying the democratic system and the opposition in that country. 
In Honduras, demonstrators have appealed to the media to tell the truth. One sign said in Spanish: ¡°CNN: That the entire world opens its eyes¡­Honduras wants peace not a dictatorship.¡±
Our media are content to report on the turnout of a couple hundred pro-Zelaya protesters in Honduras, ignoring the many thousands that have demonstrated in support of what their government has done. Some of the demonstrators carried signs saying, ¡°Peace and democracy. Out with Mel and Chavez.¡± Others said, ¡°Democracy yes; communism no.¡±
A ¡°Tribute to the Heroes of Honduras¡± has been posted on the web and captures the true sentiments of the people of Honduras.
In the face of a media blackout, many Hondurans have contacted me through the new media. One said, ¡°I want to warmly thank you for your article supporting the real issue of constitutional impeachment on Manuel Zelaya Rosales.¡± Later, this person informed me that ¡°There is a march supporting President Micheletti and you don¡¯t see that on the [U.S.] media, the manifestation of the people in favor of what our institutions did is by far bigger than the mobs protesting violently against Zelaya¡¯s ouster.¡±
¡°Thanks for your support to the political situation in Honduras,¡± another said. ¡°Writers like yourself are what Hondurans needs to let the world know that what happened was an act to preserve the constitutional rights of the country.¡±
Another wrote, ¡°I read your article and it¡¯s exactly what happened. If you could read the blog http://hondurancoup.blogspot.com/ it contains details of what moved our military and the other two branches of our government to act as they did. I surely hope you could make this public and somehow justice will overcome procedure. What¡¯s important are the facts.¡±
This blog, which tells ¡°The true story behind the alleged coup,¡± notes that ¡°Former President Zelaya is sick for power, a true hypocrite, corrupt and the King of Misinformation. His plot to break the constitutional order and the rule of law in our country has led us into a profound social and political crisis, on which he has bet all of his success on the generation of hatred between classes. His actions have been marked by dividing and confusing Honduran people by adopting the style, advice and funding from left-wing leaders such as Hugo Ch¨¢vez, Fidel Castro, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa and Daniel Ortega.¡±
However, an anti-communist alliance called UnoAmerica, the Union of Democratic Organizations of America, has recognized the new government of Honduras and urges support for it, issuing a statement saying that ¡°in Honduras there has not been a blow to the state, but rather a constitutional succession, perfectly legitimate, after the intent of ex-president Manuel Zelaya to violate the constitution and maintain power, following the mandate of Hugo Chavez.¡±
Regarding Obama¡¯s ally, Venezuelan ruler Chavez, UnoAmerica said that ¡°He is tied to Colombian narcotics terrorism (FARC) and to the government of [Iranian President] Ahmadinejad. He finances the Cuban dictatorship. He permanently tramples the Constitution and kidnaps the liberties of the people. He commits electoral fraud. He forcibly represses peaceful and disarmed Venezuelans. He closes means of communication. He hates the Catholic Church.¡±
Rebutting charges of a ¡°military coup,¡± UnoAmerica noted that ¡°the Armed Forces of Honduras have been limited to obey the judicial mandate, that which obligates a reestablishment of constitutional order, thus showing its subordination to the civil authority.¡±
Complicating plans by the Obama White House and its U.N. allies for a forced return of the former president, Honduras Foreign Minister Enrique Ortez told CNN en Espanol that Zelaya was implicated in drug trafficking from Venezuela into the U.S. 
¡°Every night, three or four Venezuelan-registered planes land without the permission of appropriate authorities and bring thousands of pounds...and packages of money that are the fruit of drug trafficking,¡± he said. ¡°We have proof of all of this. Neighboring governments have it. The DEA [U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration] has it,¡± he added.
At a U.N. meeting on October 13, 2008, Zelaya had openly called for the legalization of drugs¨Dsupposedly to reduce violence¨Djust weeks after the George Soros-funded Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy had met to discuss how to pursue such a course of action. The group subsequently released a report calling for a ¡°paradigm shift¡± on how to handle the illegal drug problem. Billionaire Soros, a long-time funder of campaigns to legalize dangerous drugs, has purchased the services of several former Latin American government officials to push this cause.
Zelaya¡¯s comments were immediately denounced by U.N. Office of Drug Control regional representative Jos¨¦ Manuel Martinez Morales, who said such an approach was to ¡°stick our heads under the sand like ostriches and accept the drug trade which is annihilating our youth.¡±
Last November Zelaya appeared with Soros at a U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean conference in the Dominican Republic.
At the Tuesday news conference at the United Nations, where a resolution was adopted in favor of returning Zelaya to power, the ousted Marxist ruler was asked if the United States had been behind the ¡°coup¡± that forced him out. No, Zelaya said. ¡°The United States has changed a great deal,¡± he explained. He went on to say, ¡°I have listened to President Obama. It is not only that he condemns the events, but he has demanded the restoration of the President,¡± referring to himself.
On this point, Zelaya was correct. The United States has certainly changed under Obama. When Ronald Reagan was president, the United States assisted pro-freedom forces and endeavored to keep the communists out of Central America. Now, the United States intervenes on behalf of the communists and their allies, using the U.N. as cover. 
Zelaya held his press conference at the U.N. with the President of the United Nations General Assembly, Miguel D¡¯Escoto, a communist priest who received the Lenin Peace Prize from the old Soviet Union.
D¡¯Escoto is another one of Obama¡¯s allies, having worked with his Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice to forge a new international socialist order at the recent United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis. The scheme involves world government financed by global taxes, another cause that is very popular with George Soros.
            Cliff Kincaid is the Editor of Accuracy in Media, and can be contacted at cliff.kincaid@aim.org.

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