I have talked to a few people who don’t understand why many pastors are so angry with Planned Parenthood. There are many companies and doctors that do abortion, so why does so much of the anti-abortion effort get directed at Planned Parenthood? After all, they also do cancer screenings, STD tests, adoption referrals and birth control prescriptions…so what gives?

The video released this week provides a perfect explanation. Planned Parenthood is an organization dedicated to making money of the abortion industry. Our culture is a culture of death, and we have institutionalized the idea that a woman can kill a child as long as that child is inside of her. That is sick, evil, and an affront against the dignity of the image of God.

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But Planned Parenthood goes beyond simply participating in the abortion industry. They not only embody the evil of our country’s Moloch worship, but they refine it. This is why:  


Planned Parenthood was founded by Margret Sanger, who had as her goal the control of the black population in the United States. The fact that people whom she deemed as “socially unfit” were able to reproduce was a problem for her, and she set to work to fix it. She saw eugenics as the best approach to handling racial tensions in the United States, and even worked to pass federal legislation that would have allowed Nazi-style sterilization of “undesirables.” Under her proposal, alcoholics, epileptics, and others whom “race recognition experts” determined were undesirable would have been subject to forced sterilization.

When her proposal did not gain traction in Congress, she turned her attention to abortion. She tailored her message for women with several children (“the most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its members is to kill it”). In addition to large families, she specifically targeted black families (she called them “degenerate and defective”). In fact, she saw black families as a threat to the American nation because America had “reached the highest degree of civilization” but was at risk of being “increasingly dragged down” through black couples having large families.

This is why she founded Planned Parenthood.

Racial Exploitation Today

Planned Parenthood has not moved on from Sanger’s views on the moral necessity of abortion. On their website right now is a tribute to Sanger. In fact, their “History & Successes” page says “Sanger’s early efforts remain the hallmark of Planned Parenthood’s mission.”

Now obviously today it is not politically correct to say your goal is to limit the birth rate of a certain race, and Planned Parenthood is not politically stupid. But the fact remains that abortion was main-streamed in American culture by an organization that viewed it as a eugenic tool, and it remains that way to this day. An African-American women is five times more likely to get an abortion than a Caucasian woman. Even studies that control for income variation find the same result.

In fact, according to a website called “Black Genocide,” 78% of Planned Parenthood’s clinics are in minority communities. African-Americans are about 12% of the US population, but about 35% of abortions. The roots of Planned Parenthood are still evident today.

And, by the way, if Planned Parenthood wanted to move away from Sanger’s eugenics, perhaps they could stop calling their annual award for leadership in the abortion industry their “Margaret Sanger Award.

Tax-payer funded

Planned Parenthood is often at the front of the abortion debate in our country because they are funded by tax-payers. They receive about $530 million dollars annually from taxes. They perform around 330,000 abortions every year, and they are the nation’s largest provider of abortions, because they are so cheap. They are so cheap because our tax dollars underwrite the procedures.

They do have the ability to refer people to adoption agencies. But their last annual report said that for every 150 abortions they do, they refer one person to adoption. So our taxes are not supporting their adoption push, but rather our taxes are collected to underwrite the cost of abortion at a clinic that targets low-income people.

Opposition to birth control

Ironically, Planned Parenthood is actually opposed to making birth control such as the pill available over-the-counter. When legislation as been advanced to allow this, they have mobilized their PR machine to oppose it. There really is no rational explanation for making birth control harder to get…unless much of your profit comes from abortions.

Late-term abortions

Polls consistently show that most Americans are conflicted about abortion. While the typical pro-life person is opposed to all abortion, and the typical pro-abortion person is in favor of abortion on-demand, most Americans are neither. Most Americans think abortion should be illegal sometime between 20-24 weeks, but legal before that.

But Planned Parenthood is uncomfortable with that kind of compromise. Much of the entrenched nature of the abortion debate is because Planned Parenthood excels at turning even progressive compromises in abortion legislation (such as birth control over-the-counter) into an all out “war on women.”

The result of this logic is the “abortion on demand” view that abortion should be legal (and subsidized!) at any point in a pregnancy. A 30-week baby is able to be delivered and survive out side of the womb, but that doesn’t matter to them. In their mind the mother should be able to have doctors crush the baby’s skull, vacuum out the brains, and deliver the body. Period.

In fact, just last year, Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards, said “life begins at delivery” and that it should be every women’s own decision when life begins for their children.

I could go on. I could write about how the media caters to them be refusing to ask any presidential candidate when they think life begins. I could talk about how after the video was released, some news organizations ran stories that were literally (not figuratively, but literally) the talking points emailed to them by Planned Parenthood. Or how the AP two years ago decided that as an organization they were going to #StandWithWendy Davis, the Texas State Senator who did the pro-abortion filibuster. Etc. But all of this really just leads to the video:

They traffic in baby body parts

The reason the video hit such a nerve is because it brings the whole level of evil in Planned Parenthood into sharp focus. While sipping wine at a 2-hour lunch, the medical director for Planned Parenthood talked about how they (as an organization) have gotten really good at “crushing below, crushing above” babies organs during an abortion. That way they can sell the organs afterwards.

This is illegal on so many levels. It is illegal to sell the organs. It is illegal for a doctor to change the way she does an abortion in order to get the organs. Some have pointed out that there are loop-holes in these laws, but…seriously?

They first make the case that the baby is not alive, then they kill him and harvest his organs for cash. The company they were selling through even offered bulk discounts for any transaction over $1,000.

So, why is Planned Parenthood evil? They are evil because they have roots in eugenics, they disproportionally target minorities, they use our tax dollars to do it, they make birth control difficult to get, they lobby for late-term abortions, and they do this all to make a profit.

I’d say a lot of people want liver,” Planned Parenthood’s director of medical research, Dr. Nucatola says, between bites of salad. “And for that reason, most providers will do [the abortion] under ultrasound guidance so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps. We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

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