California Approves Public Orgy - Folsom Street Fair is Back Again <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Think we don't need Prop. 8? Think Again!
San Francisco, CA - Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs with Liberty Counsel and Associate Dean with the Liberty University School of Law, released the following statement regarding San Francisco's homosexual "Folsom Street Fair" occurring this Sunday: 
"It seems almost too fantastic to believe, but it's true. This Sunday, criminal activity and sexual perversion will once again fill San Francisco's public streets, with the shameful blessing of Mayor Gavin Newsom, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger," said Barber.
Barber continued, "During the Folsom Street Fair, hundreds, if not thousands, of fully nude men walk the public streets engaging in oral sex, sodomy, and some of the most debauched and vile acts of sadomasochism. These outrageous activities happen in broad daylight. Children are allowed to, and do, attend this event and are witness to this nudity and public sex. This is nothing short of child abuse. Where are the police, you ask? They're ordered to stand by and watch as this criminal activity occurs right in front of them. In the past, the San Francisco Police Department hosted a police recruiting booth at the event."
"Those who engage in this perversion - as well as Folsom Street organizers - are in clear violation of no less than three California state laws (Sections 311.6, 313 and 314 of the California Code) and perhaps more. Each violation is punishable by up to six months in jail. Yet Mayor Newsom and the San Francisco police willfully and knowingly allow this lawlessness and vile perversion to take place in public," Barber stated.
"Newsom, Pelosi and other liberal politicians who support the Folsom Street Fair are the very same politicians who oppose California's Proposition 8, which, if passed, will abolish court-imposed 'same-sex marriage' and restore the legitimate definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. The radical San Francisco exhibitions at the Folsom Street Fair reflect the same values responsible for imposing 'same-sex marriage' on the people of California. The vast majority of Americans do not want San Francisco's antifamily agenda to take root in their own communities. For that reason, people across this great nation should demand that all decency laws be enforced in California and that violators be prosecuted. Furthermore, voters in California must vote yes on Prop. 8, and the rest of America should encourage them to do so. It's not just about California. It's about saving America as we know it," concluded Barber.

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