An Unsung Black American Hero
    By Dr. David M. Berman                                              
 In the times we live in it is getting harder and harder to find true cultural heroes. Instead we have a culture that celebrates the most base of human behavior with whimsical delight. The failure of celebrities along with the down fall of anyone who has been successful gets prime time. In all the hoopla over the incessant preoccupation with the post modern culture we often miss those who are trying to do something about our demise.
Before I get into who I am talking about I would like to mention some particular facts about the Black population that is sure to get me in trouble. Trouble is not something that I am inexperienced in and so I continue….. When the facts are looked at they shout louder than the hysterical responses of the so called "black leaders". For the liberal black leaders, facts are not important. What is important is that race relations remain tense in order to further the careers of the likes of Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson. There are many troubling stats about whites however that is for another article. Now, just a few of the stats;
1)      Almost 70 percent of black children are born to single mothers.
2)      Single mothers are far more likely than married mothers to be poor.
3)      In 2005, homicide victimization rates for blacks were 6 times higher than the rates for whites.
4)      In 2005, crime rates for blacks were more than 7 times higher than the rates for whites.
5)      94% of black victims were killed by blacks.
6)      Inner city (primarily Minority) schools spend large amounts of money on education and yet they continue to fail. Example; In Ney York City, The pupil-teacher ratio has fallen from over 30:1 in the mid-1950s to about 12:1 today. Bureaucracy has grown even faster than the numbers of teachers. In the 1950's it had fewer than 200 persons running the show. By the late 1990's, the bureaucracy had grown to a total of 4,900.
7)      With all this spending, a mere 58 percent receive a traditional high school diploma within seven years of starting high school.
8)       35 percent of NYC students took the SAT between 1996 and 1999, compared with  73 percent of New York State students, City students consistently scored about 40 points lower than the State average.
9)      The black family is breaking down at an alarming rate and causing black children to be at high risk for violent crime, drugs, and out of wedlock births.
The sad thing is that with all the destruction in the black community, all the liberal "black leaders" can do is cry racism. At what point will they stop blaming everyone else and get back to message of the bible; personal responsibility! Are there white people who are prejudice against blacks? Yes there are. Are there black people who are prejudice against whites? Yes there are. Whites do not have the corner of the market of racism. Throughout history people of various ethnic make ups have hated others who were not of the same ethnic makeup. In fact as we speak there are black killing blacks in Sudan. I submit that racism has nothing to do with the breakdown of the black family, nor does it affect black on black crime etc. Black people are every bit as capable of success as any other race. The problem is liberal black leaders who have made their fame on playing the race card at every opportunity. This they do instead of facing the failure of liberalism.
The fact is that during the great depression there were particularly difficult financial stresses on the black family. This coupled with intense racial discrimination made it extremely difficult for black families and yet they managed to remain together. Since the institution of welfare and liberal policies we clearly see what has happened to the black family. There surely is far less financial stress and racial discrimination today then there was during the great depression, and yet when examining the above statistics things have gotten worse not better. Money is not the problem, and racism is not the problem, liberalism is the problem.
I am not naive to the fact that many liberals will use their tired old tactics against me for speaking the facts. They will call me names and pull out the same old race card to defend the indefensible. That is what liberals do…they use personal attacks to shut the mouths of those who dare speak against their insanity. I am not moved by their methods.
Now we go to the unsung hero. His name is Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. Rev. Peterson founded an organization called "Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny" (BOND) Rev Peterson founded BOND in 1990, BOND has helped men and their families regain control of their lives and overcome life's challenges. The commitment of the organization stresses the importance of self-reliance, honesty, and helping others through patience. They hold regularly scheduled meetings and Sunday Services, operate the BOND Home for Boys, run character, mentor, and entrepreneur programs, and offer individual and family counseling. BOND is headquartered in Los Angeles, California. They take NO GOVERNMENT FUNDING!
Rev. Peterson is a different kind of black leader. He is a man of substance who does not see himself as a victim but rather as a man created by God. His faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is strong and it clearly guides him in his quest to be a voice of change for not only black people, but all people. He was born on a plantation in Midway, Alabama, Rev. Peterson is known as this generation's Booker T. Washington. Rev. Peterson does not spend his time blaming white people for everything. He instead works tirelessly to make a difference by operating the BOND. Home for Boys, a character building after-school program, and many other programs and activities that benefit men and their families. He is interested in helping people rather than causing racial tensions. Rev. Peterson is a man who will not give in to the continuing rants of the liberal black establishment. The name calling and attacks against him are fierce and yet Rev. Peterson is fearless in his stand for truth. He is a true conservative with guts. You can hear his fearlessness Monday through Friday on his national radio show.
The liberal media establishment always goes to either Rev. Al. Sharpton or Rev. Jesse Jackson whenever they want to portray the "black perspective" on an issue. They do not want the black community to know there is another voice, another perspective. Rev. Peterson is at times a voice crying in the wilderness due to the dominance of the left in the mainstream media. This however is changing due to his relentless commitment to American Christian values. He is a man who is not afraid to stand up for biblical truth and call the black community back to the principles of the bible. In the last 40 years many liberal black churches have substituted the civil rights movement for the gospel. I believe it is proper for the church to stand against racism, abortion, and numerous other social ills. However, the gospel is the message of Christ who died on the cross and paid for the sins of all who would receive him as Savior and Lord. That is the gospel! The bible teaches us that the family is structured by God in a certain way for success. The man is the head of the family and when the liberal "black leaders" continue to call for the government to take over the role of the man as leader and provider, they continue to call for destruction of their own people. Rev. Peterson understands this well and fights with every fiber of his being to get the word out that the man must be responsible once again for the family. I want to salute Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson and the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny for the great work being done. My hope is that by pointing a light at this great American unsung hero, others of every race will see and follow his example. If you would like to support B.O.N.D. or get more information, his web site is May the Lord continue to bless the efforts of Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson; The great American unsung hero.
Dr. David M. BermanSenior Pastor, Author, Convention Speaker211 Whitcomb RoadP.O. Box 10357Swanzey, NH. 03446Phone 603 352 9471

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