And They Deserve a State?


You might not know there is a civil war raging right now as the media is looking the other way. I'll explain why in a moment. Violence has reached new heights over the past few days, with running gun-battles taking place in Gaza hospitals, schools, mosques, and streets, between Hamas and Fatah thugs. There are mutual assassination attempts directed against the leaders of the two groups. Gaza's real Christians are at risk as the local Baptist church has about 150 members who need your prayers.
As a result, total chaos reigns in Gaza, the land Israel surrendered not that long ago. Appeasement never works. I hope American leaders are taking notes. What we are witnessing is the meltdown of the Palestinian Authority as armed warlords battle each other for control and kill their own people without batting an eye.
And these folks deserve a state of their own?? These folks would live side by side in peace with Israel if they just had their own borders and international recognition??
Here's one reason the media looks the other way: Both violent elements as well as the victims are Palestinian and hence, the media cannot blame Israel. One news source that at one time would give it major media time, Fox News, is absorbed with Paris Hilton and majoring in other minors. I feel like I lost a friend in the last month since Fox went "totally tabloid." I wouldn't reward them by signing up for them.
So why should Israel turn over MORE control to the radicals? Because the world pressures them into doing so. Fatah and Hamas cannot even keep their own house in order, and use unspeakable acts of violence to settle their home-grown rivalries.
If and when this civil war winds down we find there is still a global effort to give these folks their "own homeland," and in the process, yank the land from Israel, I shudder to think of what kind of a scenario would develop. If Israel caves and grants them their wishes, then the inmates are running the asylum. God is in control, however. He uses such events for His purposes.
MEDIA REMINDER:One guy who does get it is Glen Beck. Though not a Christian (a Mormon, in fact,) he is repeating his program with Joel Rosenberg, Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins this Friday night, June 15. Beck is on CNN but check your local listings. The trio will be on at 7 PM EDT, again at 9 PM EDT, and at 12 Midnight. I spoke with Rosenberg staff today and Joel continues to find favor just about everywhere. This is the third airing of this special by Beck.
Awaiting His return, Jan Markell

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